Athanasios Papatsoris

Senior Medical Director at Dyania Health

Professor Athanasios Papatsoris holds two MSc and PhD with a 2-year Endourology/Laparoscopy fellowship in London and Le Mans. He has an honorary contract with Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge and he is a faculty member of Cambridge Medical Academy. He is the v. Chairman of the EBU Examination Committee. He is Professor of Urology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens at the 2nd University Department of Urology, Sismanoglio. General Hospital, Athens Greece.

Additionally, Prof. Papatsoris is an Adjunct Professor of Urology at the Lebanese University, Beirut and Assoc, Board member of ESOU, EULIS, ESUT, SEGUR and U-Merge. He has been selected as Scientific Collaborator at the European University of Cyprus.

He is on the Board of HUA, IMBE and HGUCG. His H-Index is 38 with more than 203 publications in PubMed and with more than 4100 citations. Recently he received the “Arthur Smith” award.


  • Senior Medical Director

    Current role