Education Perfect


Education Perfect is a digital learning platform that provides user-friendly study tools for teachers and students.




Org chart

Alan Craig's profile picture
Alan Craig
Head of Delivery
Emma McAllister's profile picture
Emma McAllister
Chief Operating Officer
Emma Stone
Business Manager
James Bowens
Head of Brand
Kate Reddington's profile picture
Kate Reddington
Head of Content Design
Matt Adney's profile picture
Matt Adney
Chief Product Officer
Philippa Kruger's profile picture
Philippa Kruger
Curriculum Specialist: Global Languages And International Schools
Denise Burrow
Revenue Analyst
Fiona Foran
Financial Planning and Analysis Manager
Malcolm Friedrich CA
Management Accountant
Rachel Lang
Financial Reporting Manager
Rhea Biju
Management & Payroll Accountant
Sam Cameron
Commercial Accounting Manager
Tom Ingham
Financial Analyst
Maree Carr
Revenue Operations Systems Manager
Alessandra Sabandal
Sales Development Representative (anz)
John Spencer
Senior Business Development Manager
Debbie Clarke
Head Of Revenue ANZ
Tobias Peciva
Head of Engineering
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