Alexandria Ng

Staff Writer, EdWeek Market Brief at Education Week

Alexandria Ng is a staff writer for EdWeek Market Brief. Alexandria has also worked as an intern for Dow Jones News Fund and Hawaii News Now, and as a correspondent for The Gainesville Sun.

Alexandria was chosen as one of 18 students from more than 700 national applicants to participate in a 10-day intensive multimedia training at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism at Arizona State University. Over the course of the program, they reviewed techniques for analyzing web traffic, social media management, designing responsive websites and creating audio and video content.

At the end of the program, they put together a multimedia project delving into the development of downtown Phoenix and how it affected the surrounding community. What they found was booming growth, food deserts, a lack of affordable housing and gentrification in the arts district. After 48 hours, they packaged their original reporting in a digital publication that includes videos, audio clips, interactive features and a podcast with five Phoenix residents.

Alexandria Ng is a graduate of the University of Florida, where they earned their bachelor's degree in journalism from the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications.

They are on a team with and David Rauf - Contributing Writer, EdWeek Market Brief. Their manager is Sean Cavanagh, Managing Editor, EdWeek Market Brief.


  • Staff Writer, EdWeek Market Brief

    Current role