EHS Recruiting Company


EHS Recruiting Company is comprised of the best recruiters in the business. All recruiters in EHS have a strong recruiting background with years of experience. EHS has been in the business for over two decades with offices throughout the United States. In this time, we have placed thousands of mana... Read more

Org chart

Brian Hirt
Founder And President

Brian Hirt

Scott Rosenthal
Joint Venture Partner & Vice President Of Operations
Bill Robertson
Joint Venture Partner Houston
Donna Davis
Joint Venture Partner Nashville
Evan Tranquille
Joint Venture Partner Charlotte
Harry Balley
Managing Partner
Scott Ramsey
Joint Venture Partner Indianapolis/cincinnati/northern California
Kristin Elftmann
Vice President - Chicago, Recruiting Specialist
James Rice
Senior Recruitment Specialist
John Kolakowski
Senior Recruiting Specialist
Sarah Iverson
Recruiting Specialist
Alecia L. Holsing
Recruiting Specialist
Darren Kashin
Recruiting Specialist
Jessica R. Monette
Recruiting Specialist