Énergie NB Power


At NB Power, we work hard every day to provide reliable, safe, and sustainable energy for more than 400,000 customers. Why? Because we’re New Brunswickers too. Our more than 2,600 employees are focused on constantly improving our customers’ experience while delivering innovative energy solutions to... Read more


Fredericton, CA




Org chart

Lori Clark's profile picture
Lori Clark
President And Chief Executive Officer
Profile photo

Lori Clark

Brett Plummer's profile picture
Brett Plummer
Chief Nuclear Officer And Vice President Point Lepreau Nuclear Power Station
Fernand G. Ouellette
Chief Human Resources Officer, NB Power Generation
Suzanne Desrosiers
Vice President Human Resources
Jean Marc Landry's profile picture
Jean Marc Landry
Chief Customer Officer
James Petrie
Chief Legal Officer
Joanne Moore's profile picture
Joanne Moore
Director Organizational Learning, Development & Change
Roland Roy
Director - Health And Safety
Mark Anderson
Manager, Investment Governance
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