Justin Olsen

VP, Legal & Risk Management at England Logistics, Inc.

Justin joined EL in June 2015 as Vice President of Legal & Risk Management. Prior to accepting his position with England Logistics, Justin was in private legal practice for over 20 years and was a founding member of the Salt Lake City-based law firm of Olsen, Skoubye & Nielson, LLC. From 1991-1994, Justin was in-house legal counsel for two large trucking companies. Throughout his career, Justin has primarily represented brokers, intermediaries and carriers in a variety of matters.

We’re not the only ones impressed with his accomplishments. His extensive experience has led him to serve in many capacities within industry associations. He is a former Vice-Chair of the Transportation Lawyers Association’s (TLA) Logistics and E-Commerce Committee and previously served on TLA’s Executive Committee. He has also served as a member of Transportation Intermediary Association’s (TIA) Carrier Selection Framework Committee, TIA’s Fraud Task Force, TIA’s Legal Committee, TIA’s Contracts Committee and TIA’s Education Committee. Justin is also a member of the Conference of Freight Counsel. Whew. That’s a lot of committees. He has also been named by Utah Business Magazine as one of Utah’s Legal Elite.

If you were to ask Justin where he’d rather spend his time, in the courtroom or in the mountains, you may not get a straight answer. He’s truly in his element when he’s arguing a case before a judge, ensuring the customers and contracted carriers are safe and risk free, and protecting the company from undue harm. Ever the loyal caretaker, Justin’s attention to detail and work ethic are unmatched. But, when the opportunity arises, he loves to make his way to the mountains to enjoy the clarity and peace they provide. However, he is known to get into verbal disputes with wildlife from time to time.

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