Environmental Law Institute



The Environmental Law Institute is a non-profit, non-partisan organization, headquartered in Washington, DC, that seeks to "make the law work for people, places, and the planet". ELI conducts research on a broad spectrum of issues, producing reports and offering policy recommendations on critical ar... Read more





Org chart

Jordan Diamond

Jean Blain
Chief Information Technology Officer
Loretta Reinersmann
VP, Finance & Administration
Rachel Jean-Baptiste
Vice President, Publications
Jay Austin
Senior Attorney, Editor-in-Chief, Environmental Law Reporter
Laura Van Wyk
Director, HR
Nick Collins
Director, Communications
Madison Calhoun
Senior Manager, Educational Programs
Elizabeth A. Koch
Senior Manager, International Programs
Laura Goldman
Manager, Foundations & Donor Relationships
Jen Norman
Manager, Education & Membership Events
Sarah Vican
Manager, Educational Programs
Jared Mummert
Manager, Climate Judiciary Project
Taalin Raoshah
Research Associate
Dara Albrecht
Research Associate
Jesse Ferraioli
Research Associate
Kathy Wei
Development & Board Associate