Piero Boccassino

Chief Compliance Officer at Fideuram - Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking S.p.A.

Piero Boccassino graduated in Economics from Turin University in 1988, with participation in an advanced banking course at INSEAD in 1996, he is a Chartered Accountant and a Statutory Auditor. After a working experience in a professional firm, in 1990 Mr. Boccassino joined the Studies and Research Department of Istituto Bancario San Paolo and in 1991 became a member of the General Manager’s staff. From the following year until 2001, he worked in the areas of financial statements, planning, and control. In 1999, he became a senior manager at Sanpaolo IMI, first as head of planning and control for the branch network, then as CFO of Eurizon Vita, and, finally, as head of the Group’s cost management. In 2007, following the creation of Intesa Sanpaolo, he was appointed head of administrative and financial governance and, in 2008, head of the newly formed compliance function. From 2011 to June 2013, he was in charge of the Valle d’Aosta and North-East Piedmont branch network area. In July 2013, he took on the responsibility for the compliance function once more, and, in July 2015, he became the Group’s Chief Compliance Officer


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    Chief Compliance Officer

    Current role