Stefano Del Punta

CFO at Fideuram - Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking S.p.A.

Stefano Del Punta graduated in Economics from the University of Rome. In 1988, he joined the Finance and Investment Division of IMI S.p.A.. In 1992, he was transferred to IMI Securities Ltd in London and, at the end of the same year, he became General Manager of IMI-CPR in Paris. In 1994, Stefano Del Punta was appointed head of Risk Control and Planning at IMI Bank Luxembourg. In 1995, he became Managing Director of Mabon Securities (IMI Group) in New York. In 1997, he was appointed General Manager of Turis A.G. (IMI Group), and, in April 1998, he returned to the IMI headquarters in Rome as head of the International Loans Department. After the merger with Sanpaolo Bank, he was appointed head of the International Corporate and Structured Finance Division. After a short period at Banco di Napoli as head of Planning & Control, in April 2002 Stefano Del Punta became head of Group Finance of Sanpaolo IMI. In 2007, after the merger with Banca Intesa, he became Treasurer of Intesa Sanpaolo. He was a member of the Management Board of Intesa Sanpaolo from May 2014 to April 2016. He is a member of the Board of Fondo Interbancario di Tutela dei Depositi.


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