Arjan Stahlecker

Docent Natuurwetenschappen, Wetenschapsvaardigheden, Coördinator Beleid Meer- En Hoogbegaafden at Fioretti College Lisse

Arjan Stahlecker has experience working as a docent at various educational institutions, such as Fioretti College Lisse, Rijnlands Lyceum Wassenaar, Aloysius College, and Wellantcollege. At Fioretti College, Arjan teaches biology, chemistry, NLT, and Science, as well as coordinates policy for gifted students. At Rijnlands Lyceum, Arjan teaches chemistry and physics, and developed a new subject called biochemistry. At Aloysius College, Arjan mentored gifted students in chemistry and left with a 2nd degree qualification. At Wellantcollege, Arjan focused on providing education to special needs students when the LWOO program was introduced.
