First National

1 follower

First National Financial LP is one of Canada's largest non-bank lenders, originating and servicing both residential and commercial mortgages. As the leading lender of CMHC and conventional mortgages, First National currently has more than $130 billion in mortgages under administration. We apply ing... Read more


Toronto, Canada




Org chart

Jason Ellis' profile picture
Jason Ellis
President & Chief Executive Officer
Profile photo

Jason Ellis

Jeremy Wedgbury
Executive Vice President, Commercial Mortgages
Peter Jaeggin's profile picture
Peter Jaeggin
Senior Vice President, Information Technology & Security
Thomas Kim
Executive Vice President And Managing Director, Capital Markets
Scott McKenzie
Executive Vice President, Residential Mortgages
Aaron Cameron's profile picture
Aaron Cameron
Vice President, Commercial Operations
Hilda Wong's profile picture
Hilda Wong
Evp, General Counsel, Chief Privacy Officer, Chief Anti-money Laundering Officer
Wendy Burkin
Senior Vice President, Human Resources
Linda Craenen
Senior Vice President Marketing
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