Tauzetti Pritchard

Hearing Representative at Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin

Tauzetti Pritchard is a Hearing Representative in the firm’s Fresno office. Ms. Pritchard has more than 17 years of experience in the Workers’ Compensation and Social Security industry as a law firm senior paralegal. She is a graduate of Fresno Pacific University and holds her pre-law Bachelor of Arts degrees in Criminology and Restorative Justice, as well as her ABA certified paralegal degree. Ms. Pritchard’s unique experience allows her to appear before the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board on not only lien trials, but also on case-in-chief hearings, both with the utmost scrutiny and thoroughness. With an in-depth review of cases and liens, Ms. Pritchard aggressively handles litigation and negotiates resolution prior to hearings and in collaboration with the attorneys. Her accomplishments also include winning many cases before the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board, Office of Disability Adjudication and Review, and the Appeals Council of the Social Security Administration. Ms. Pritchard was also awarded the Legal Studies Award for Outstanding Scholastic Achievement from Delmar Learning/Westlaw in 2008.