Jean Diercxens

Jean Diercxsens (age 36). Mr. Diercxsens is a senior member of the Investment Team of Kartesia Securities IV S.A. (“Kartesia”). Mr. Diercxsens is a director of Sales Performance International Holding NV and SA global Holding SA and also a bord observer of Beryllium BV and Integrative Interventions Group B.V. Mr. Diercxsens has successfully executed multiple investments for Kartesia since joining the firm in 2015 and he was involved with the investment of Kartesia in Foraco International at inception. Prior to that, Mr. Diercxsens worked at BNP Paribas Corporate & Investment Banking for 5 years. Mr. Diercxsens holds a Master in Business Engineering from the Catholic University of Leuven, where he graduated magna cum laude in 2009.