The Animation and Technical Art Team at Game On specializes in creating visually stunning animations and bridging the gap between artistic vision and technical execution. They leverage expert skills in 3D animation and technical artistry to produce high-quality motion capture performances and in-engine cinematics that enhance the gaming experience. Collaborating closely with game developers, this team ensures that animations are not only captivating but also seamlessly integrated into diverse gaming environments, driving innovation in the industry.
Eliott F.
3d Animator
Eloy Perez
Mocap Technician
Frederic Tetrault
3d Animator
Gabriel da Silva Per...
Animateur 3d
Jeremy Meunier
Head Of Mocap
Jérémi Ménard
Technical Artist
Martin Delorme
Senior Technical Animator / De...
Mélissa Gouin-Lachan...
Technical Animator
Olivier Languedoc
Opérateur Caméra Virtuelle Moc...
Samuel Gendron
Animateur 3d
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