He was born in Lefkada in 1940. In 1965 he graduated from the Athens School of Engineering. He worked as a freelancer - Contractor of Public Works from 1969 to 1976. He holds an MEK D’ class degree and since 1977 he has been managing projects of TERNA SA., by participating since then in a number of major infrastructure projects as head of the construction sector, while since 2002 he is a Chief Executive Officer and Executive Member of the Board of Directors of TERNA SA and GEK TERNA SA. He is Executive Vice President of GEK TERNA Group since 2011 and Chairman of the Board of Directors of TERNA SA since 2019. He also holds the position of non-executive member of TERNA ENERGY and the position of Vice President in TERNA MAG, a company active in the mining sector. He has participated in a number of Corporate Social Responsibility actions throughout Greece, covering needs for the benefit of local communities in the geographical areas where major infrastructure projects are being carried out.