Mette B. D. Thygesen

HR Business Partner - Ansvarlig For Mennesker Og Kultur at Geoinfo A/S

Mette B. D. Thygesen is an experienced HR Business Partner at Geoinfo A/S, specializing in people and culture. Previous roles include organizational consultant and process and communications consultant. Involvement with Det Danske Spejderkorps encompasses numerous positions such as project leader, trainer, and board member, notably overseeing the mayoral visit at Spejdernes Lejr in 2017. Mette has also contributed as a board member at Magistrenes A-kasse and served in various leadership roles within the Danish Association of Masters and PhDs, including chairperson for DM Studerende and a member of the main board. Academic qualifications include a Master's degree in Communication and a Bachelor's degree in Education and Communication from Roskilde University.
