Becky Winslow

SVP & Director of Community Relations at Gorham Savings Bank

Becky has been with GSB for more than 30 years. She began her career at GSB as a teller in 1988 and has progressed through most every position available in the retail banking world over the years, with increasing responsibility and oversight. As senior vice president, director of community relations Becky plays an integral part in GSB’s mission to improve the economic and social well-being of the customers and the communities it serve.

In addition to her work at the bank, Becky serves as the treasurer for the Reed Allen Community Fund, and she’s on the Gorham School and Business Roundtable committee. She’s also a member of the Maine Immigrant Prosperity Network, the United Way Cash Coalition, and the Maine Bankers Association’s Women in Business advisory group. In 2018 she was recognized by the Gorham Business Exchange as Business Person of the Year.