Armin Hasitzka

Senior Software Engineer at Grabyo

Armin Hasitzka is a Senior Software Engineer at Grabyo. Armin has also worked for Google, Microsoft, Loomis, and FreeType. Armin has a wealth of experience in developing software and improving code bases.

Armin's work at Google involved designing fuzzing harnesses for FreeType. Armin was also responsible for setting up continuous integration with Travis CI. In total, they found 39 new bugs, 9 of which were classified as security risks. Armin also worked on introducing ThreadSanitizer to Mono while at Microsoft. Armin prepared ThreadSanitizer for continuous integration with Jenkins and fixed various bugs.

At Loomis, Armin worked as a Driver and Guard. Armin then went on to work at Clix where they created hand-crafted web solutions. In their most recent role at FreeType, Armin acted as a mentor.

Armin Hasitzka has a Bachelor of Science in Computer Software Engineering from the Technische Universität Wien, and a degree in Hardware & Software Systems Engineering from the Hagenberg Campus - FH Upper Austria. Armin also has a Matura in General Education from the Konrad Lorenz Gymnasium Gänserndorf. Armin is certified by the Council Business Competence for Europe e.V. in EBC*L ‒ European Business Competence* Licence, and by the Austrian Computer Society in ECDL ‒ European Computer Driving Licence.

Armin Hasitzka reports to Mun Kong, CTO. They work with Jordi Navines Calvo - Senior Engineering Manager, Romarjo Zeka - Junior Software Engineer, and Andreea Albuletu - Software Architect.


  • Senior Software Engineer

    Current role