Katie Lankowicz

Postdoctoral Researcher at Gulf of Maine Research Institute

Katie is a Postdoctoral Researcher with both the Quantitative Fisheries Research Lab and the Fisheries Ecology Lab. She is broadly interested in fisheries spatial and movement ecology, and so studies the factors that affect fish distribution. Currently, her research involves evaluating groundfish use of structured habitat in the Gulf of Maine, with the goal of using this information to inform and refine groundfish stock assessments.

Before coming to GMRI, Katie completed a B.S. in Marine Sciences from Stony Brook University in 2016 and a Ph.D. in Marine, Estuarine, and Environmental Sciences from the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science in 2022. Her doctoral research explored the spatial ecology and schooling characteristics of Atlantic menhaden using sonar imaging, statistical modeling, and individual-based simulation modeling. Katie has also assisted in research to determine the recruitment patterns of Nothern Sea Nettles in the Bering Sea, the population size of endangered Atlantic sturgeon in the Nanticoke River, and the abundance and distribution of ichthyoplankton in the Columbia River plume.

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