Edward Lee Ming Foo

Managing Director at Hap Seng Plantations Holdings Bhd

Datuk Edward Lee Ming Foo, JP, male, a Malaysian, aged 67, is the managing director of Hap Seng Plantations Holdings Berhad. He was first appointed to the board on 15 May 2007 as an executive director and assumed the current position since 18 September 2007.

In addition, Datuk Edward Lee is the managing director of both Gek Poh (Holdings) Sdn Bhd and Hap Seng Consolidated Berhad, the former being the Company’s ultimate holding company and the latter being the Company’s immediate holding company which is listed on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad. Datuk Edward Lee is also a non-independent non-executive director of Hafary Holdings Limited, a company incorporated in Singapore and listed on the Mainboard of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited.

Datuk Edward Lee graduated with a degree in Bachelor of Arts from the McMaster University in Canada in 1977. He joined Malaysian Mosaics Sdn Bhd (formerly Malaysian Mosaics Berhad) group in 1980, became its chief operating officer in 1995 and was its managing director from 31 March 2005 to 31 January 2007.

Datuk Edward Lee does not have any family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder nor does he have any conflict of interests with the Company save for the related party transactions disclosed in Note 24 to the Financial Statements. He has not been convicted of any offence in the past 5 years and there was no public sanction or penalty imposed by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year ended 31 December 2021.

He attended all the 5 board meetings held during the financial year ended 31 December 2021.


  • H

    Managing Director

    Current role