Havant Borough Council


The Borough of Havant has a population of more than 124,800 and covers a total area of 30 square miles. The borough is divided into five geographical areas, including; Emsworth, Havant and Bedhampton, Hayling Island, Leigh Park, and Waterlooville.





Org chart

Steve Jorden

Jo McIntosh
Chief Legal Officer & Monitoring Officer
Matt Goodwin
Client Relationship Director & Senior Client Executive, Operations
Alex Robinson
Executive Head, Place
Matthew Tiller
Head, Finance
Brian Wood
Head, Customer Services
Caroline Tickner
Head, Organizational Development
Chris Bradley
Head, Commercial Development
Susan Parker
Head, Programmes, Redesign & Quality
Lyall Cairns
Head, Coastal Partnership
Clare Chester
Head, Regeneration & Economy
Natalie Meagher
Head, Neighbourhood Support
Tracey Wood
Head, Housing & Community Engagement
Wayne Layton
Executive Head, Corporate Finance, Deputy S151 Officer & Head of Regeneration & Enforcement
Patrick Lee
Strategic Housing Manager & Head of Housing & Communities
Trevor Pugh
Interim Head, Environmental Services
Simon Rowberry
Interim Head, Planning & Building Control