Haven Savings Bank


Based in Hoboken New Jersey, Haven Savings Bank has been serving our customers for over 75 years providing both residential and commercial lending supporting growing communities. Haven Savings Bank offers high quality financial services for both individuals and small companies.

Org chart

Heidi Caponigro's profile picture
Heidi Caponigro
Branch Manager
Profile photo

Heidi Caponigro

Josephine Caputo's profile picture
Josephine Caputo
Pemberton Asst. Branch Manager
Manuel Alers' profile picture
Manuel Alers
Heidi Caponigro – Branch Manager
Mary Helena's profile picture
Theresa Torre's profile picture
Theresa Torre
Mortgage Department
Mario Rotante's profile picture
Mario Rotante
Chief Information Security Officer
Paul Deponte
Executive Vice-president & Chief Operating Officer