The Human Development Center (HDC) is a community mental health center providing behavioral health care to the residents of Carlton, Cook, Lake, and southern St. Louis counties in Minnesota and Douglas County, Wisconsin. HDC offers a comprehensive array of services provided by an integrated team... Read more





Org chart

Ben Hatfield

Daniel McGaffey
Director, Human Resources
Rick Valento
Director, Adult Outpatient Therapy
Haley Rilea
Director, Carlton County Services
Nick Navarro
Clinical Director
Alli Pikul
Director, Child & Family Services
Caitlin Olson
Director, Community Based Services
Amy Lisdahl
Director, Psychiatry
Justin Schmiesing
Director, Recovery Services
Brad Hoder
Director, Residential Crisis Services
Steve Bauer
Medical Director
Steve Engleson
Director, Wisconsin Agency
Andrew Paszak
Facilities Manager
Gary Sheldon
Manager, IT
Grace Tonn
Health Information Manager
Michael Furo
Program Supervisor, Crisis Response Team
Abi Lingwall
Program Supervisor, Residential Crisis Team
Jen Carlenberg
Office Manager
Angela Green
Office Manager, Cloquet
Daniel Flynn
Office Manager, Central Hillside
Jennifer Eddy
Office Manager, East Campus
Cassandra Rockers
Development & Marketing Manager
Amanda Larcher-Ayers
Office Manager, Downton Campus
Karla Terry
Senior Executive Administrative Assistant