Rob Stephany

Senior Program Director, Community & Economic Development at Heinz Endowments

Rob Stephany is The Heinz Endowments’ director of community and economic development. Before joining the foundation in 2012, Rob served five years as executive director of the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh. His expertise in leading stakeholder-driven, market-based revitalization efforts and his ability to achieve consensus among disparate parties produced successful economic transformations in several of Pittsburgh’s most distressed communities.

Prior to heading the URA, Rob was director of real estate for East Liberty Development Inc. and successfully led a coalition that brought market strength, which had been lost through unsuccessful urban renewal, back to the neighborhood’s blighted commercial district, leveraging some of the first major private reinvestment in decades. Under his leadership, a variety of redevelopment projects in Pittsburgh exceeded expectations, including Bakery Square, South Side Works, Summerset and South Shore Riverfront Park. His development and implementation of city planning strategies rejuvenated communities and improved the quality of life for their residents.

Rob has participated in several partnerships of private and governmental organizations to improve Pittsburgh’s neighborhoods while ensuring existing stakeholders remain key beneficiaries in the process. He is a recognized expert in sustainable urban revitalization and has presented the multifaceted story of Pittsburgh to numerous national and international media outlets and trade conferences.

At the Endowments, Rob contributes his unique ability to frame an issue, taking into account multiple perspectives, which allows for robust community dialogues that lead to sustainable development solutions.