Céleste Menegazzi

Développeuse full stack at HeyTeam

Céleste Menegazzi has eight years of work experience in full stack development. Céleste began their career in 2014 with a role as a Technicien at SETE - Société d'Exploitation de la tour Eiffel. In 2015, they worked as a Stage Ingenieur Adjoint at Dassault Systèmes. From 2017 to 2021, they held a role as a Développeur Full Stack at Mail Expertise LLP, SimforHealth, ARCA Computing, Agence AWAM, and ULTRA PREMIUM DIRECT, respectively. Currently, they are a Développeuse full stack at HeyTeam - Onboarding & Employee Journey.

Céleste Menegazzi attended Lycée Chaptal from 2011 to 2013. Afterwards, they studied Informatique at Mines Douai from 2013 to 2016.



  • Développeuse full stack

    October, 2022 - present