Magnus Morgan

Founder & Director of Client Services at High Wide & Handsome

There’s a bit of the olde Cap­tain Jack Spar­row in Magnus—even beyond the bonny British accent and dis­arm­ing swag­ger the two blokes share. Like the iras­ci­ble pirate of recent leg­end, Mag­nus has spent many a fort­night at sea with only the moon and a stiff wind to guide him. His most note­wor­thy voy­age took him across “The Pond” in a 30-foot sail­boat. When he wasn’t answer­ing the siren song of the sea, Mag­nus stayed land­locked in Liv­er­pool long enough to com­plete a B.A. in Busi­ness and Mar­ket­ing. He quickly climbed the agency ranks, ulti­mately assum­ing the post of SVP/Account Direc­tor at Ignited where he headed the Sony, Activision-Blizzard and Turner Broad­cast­ing accounts. Now co-helming the captain’s wheel at High Wide & Hand­some, Mag­nus adjusts to any nec­es­sary changes in course with a nim­ble good nature and remark­able integrity—skills his swash­buck­ling dop­pel­ganger could never rival.