Hobart and William Smith Colleges


Located on 320 acres in the heart of New York State’s Finger Lakes Region, Hobart and William Smith are independent liberal arts colleges distinctive for providing highly individualized educations.




Org chart

Joyce P. Jacobsen

Sarah R. Kirk
Provost & Dean of Faculty
Kathy Killius Regan
Chief of Staff
Alfred L. Damiano
VP for Strategic Initiatives & Chief Information Officer
Louis H. Guard
VP & General Counsel
Khuram Hussain
VP for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Robert B. O’Connor
VP for Advancement
Carolee E. White
VP for Finance & Administration and CFO
Catherine J. Williams
VP for Marketing & Communications
John W. Young
VP & Dean of Admissions
B.B Barile
VP for Campus Life & Dean of Students

Board & advisors