Andrew Wooley

President & COO at HPP: Houston Plastic Products

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Houston, US


Previous companies

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Work style

How I prefer to work

Remote & Office


Mostly in a team

Qualities I value in my colleagues

  • Creativity
  • ownership
  • adaptability
  • reliability
  • tenacity

My communication style

  • Curious
  • direct
  • clear
  • transparent
  • assertive

Clear and concise information is critical during crisis management and turn around situations.

My pet peeves

  • Pessimism
  • unreliability
  • laziness
  • close-mindedness
  • arrogance

Fun fact

I am classically trained clarinetist, played rugby at TCU, and have competed as a bodybuilder. I am a nerd jock.

Personal Q&A

  • What do people misunderstand about you?

    People often mistake my direct communication style as dismissive of them and their feelings. I am curt because time is a factor.

  • How do you like to receive feedback?

    Immediately and directly without holding back or beating around the bush.

  • What's the best professional advice you ever received?

    To not take all advice.

  • How do you like to run meetings?

    Quietly. I believe meetings shouldn't last longer than 45 minutes to an hour unless it is a working meeting. I prefer my staff to do the talking and positioning of ideas while I listen and ask questions.

  • When are you most productive during the day?

    5am to 9am.

  • How would you describe your strengths?

    I am very good in a crisis or chaotic moment. I get a sense of calm and I am able to parse out the noise and keep the critical information. People naturally look to me during moments of crisis because I am calm and assertive.


  • President & COO

    January, 2018 - present

  • General Manager

    July, 2017

  • Operations Manager

    June, 2012