The Customer Experience Team at Huutokaupat is dedicated to enhancing the overall satisfaction of buyers and sellers in the marketplace. With a focus on seamless communication and support, the team members work collaboratively to address customer needs, optimize service delivery, and create engaging marketing strategies, ultimately fostering a positive and enjoyable shopping experience for all users.
Aki Sauso
Manager Of Sales
Ellen Randelin
Development Specialist
Jouni K.
Katri Eskelinen
Director, Marketing And Commun...
Kia Kämäräinen
Luoto Tapio
Service Manager
Marika van Moorsel
Communications Specialist
Pirjo Pykäläinen
Head Of Customer Service
Sakari Vänttinen
Myyntipäällikkö Etä Ja Telesal...
Tiia Saarinen
Service Designer
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