Jimmiel Mandima

VP, Global Programs at IFAW

Jimmiel Mandima first arrived in the Zambezi Valley in Zimbabwe to study the feeding patterns of freshwater sardines introduced from Lake Tanganyika. Soon, he became more interested in the patterns of people, and their impact on animals and ecosystems.

That’s what Jimmiel focused on as a Research Fellow at the University of Zimbabwe. He studied the dynamics of freshwater fisheries and went on to direct the university’s research center at Lake Kariba, one of the largest man-made reservoirs in the world.

At the same time, Jimmiel became a champion for conservation. As the Vice President for the Wildlife Society of Zimbabwe (now called Wildlife Environment Zimbabwe), he successfully lobbied for the establishment of a nationwide environmental education program in Zimbabwean schools, so that future generations could understand the importance of conservation.

While Jimmiel’s research highlighted the breadth of conservation challenges in the Zambezi Valley, his advocacy efforts underscored the importance of action. So, when he joined the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF), he was determined to act. He spent eight years as AWF’s regional program coordinator, engaging with non-profit organizations and government agencies to develop transboundary conservation efforts in Southern Africa.

Then, as AWF’s Director of Program Designs and Partner Relations in Washington, DC, He worked with NGOs, US government agencies, and international organizations—including the Global Environment Facility, UN agencies, and the World Bank Group—to coordinate conservation efforts. He also spearheaded CARPE (Central Africa Regional Program for the Environment), an international USAID initiative to protect forests in the Congo Basin.

Today, Jimmiel serves as IFAW’s Vice President for Global Programs, where he leads the organization’s programmatic efforts by engaging diverse stakeholders and partners around the world.

Jimmiel holds a Bachelor of Science with Honors in Biological Sciences from the University of Zimbabwe, as well as a Master of Science in Applied Zoology from the University of Kuopio, and a PhD in Environmental & Biological Sciences from the University of Eastern Finland.

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