Jarle Crocker

Associate Director of Learning & Improvement at Insight Policy Research

Jarle Crocker brings 15 years of experience providing training, technical assistance, and management support for federal grants and other funders to improve human services for children and families. He has extensive technical knowledge of performance measurement, outcomes-based planning, organizational change processes, service integration strategies, data analysis, and leadership development. He has a strong project management background in the design and facilitation of strategic planning processes, stakeholder engagement, and project budgeting. Highly skilled in the development of trainings, presentations, and toolkits to support capacity building and sustainability of community-based initiatives, Jarle has a broad academic and applied background in qualitative research methods.

At Insight, Jarle supports contracts across practices areas as part of Insight’s Data and Improvement Group. His work includes supporting the Department of Education’s National Student Attendance, Engagement, and Success Center; conducting value stream mapping for the National Science Foundation’s Merit Review process; and helping the Food and Nutrition Service’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and SNAP Education programs with a variety of performance improvement activities.

Prior to joining Insight, Jarle worked with public agencies, nonprofits, coalitions of community-based stakeholders, and others to support human service systems reform initiatives, design governance structures to manage collaborative initiatives, and facilitate complex planning processes. He holds a Ph.D. in conflict analysis and resolution from George Mason University.