IfATE (Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education)


We are the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education, known as IfATE, we work with employers to shape skills training in England, for the future of the workforce. IfATE was created in 2017 as an arm’s length body of the Department for Education (DfE). Thousands of employers help us to c... Read more






Org chart

Jennifer Coupland
Chief Executive Officer

Jennifer Coupland

Caroline Daly
Head Of Engineering And Manufacturing Team
Jane Pierce
Deputy Director, Engineering, Construction And Transport
Chris Morgan
Deputy Director - Commercial Delivery
David Wilson
Chief Financial Officer
Darren Shaw
Head Of Community Of Practice For Assessment And Quality Assurance
Niel Stewart
Head Of Digital Channels
Phil Scullion
Head Of Communications And External Affairs
Beth Chaudhary
Strategy Director
David Weaver
Head Of Strategy
Jemma Morgan
Head Of Delivery And Governance (das)
Kate Barclay
Non Executive Director - Institute For Apprenticeships And Technical Education
Lauren Desmond
Skills System And Oversight Manager / Business Manager For Strategy Director