Dalia Kriksciuniene

Editor-in-Chief, IJMPP Journal at International Institute of Marketing Professionals

Dr. Dalia Kriksciuniene, Editor-in-Chief of the IJMPP Journal and Member of the International Advisory Council for the Marketing Profession (IACMP), is the associated professor, dr. of the Department of Informatics of Vilnius University in Lithuania, She‘s got her Diploma of engineer-mathematician at Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania), and the degree of doctor of social sciences (management and administration) in 2004 at University of Management and Economics (Lithuania). Dalia Kriksciuniene is a member of the International Advisory Council for the Marketing Profession (IACMP).

She published numerous articles, and about 20 of them have been presented in international conferences and included in publications, indexed by Thomson Scientific database, Springer, IEEE, and other scientific databases.

Dr. Kriksciuniene served as program committee chair of the scientific workshops and streams, organized in conjunction with many prestigious scientific conferences, Dalia has experience as a member of editorial and program committees, reviewer, and sessions chair at international scientific conferences.

She’s got her experience of professional practice in the positions of Marketing and information systems manager at Baltic Clipper Ltd. (1994-2000) and director of J. Masiulis Ltd. Bookstore “Knygu Aleja” (2001-2004).

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