Liam Eagle

Liam Eagle covers the Service Provider space for 451 Research, focusing on web and application hosting, managed hosting and cloud infrastructure. His research focuses in part on the adaptation of traditional hosting technologies and models to accommodate emerging needs. These include web presence SaaS, the focus on web professionals and the channel market for cloud infrastructure. Liam has closely covered the hosting market for more than 10 years, giving him a front-row seat for many of the transformative trends that shaped the business, including the emergence of virtualization and cloud technologies, and the development of the hosting market’s partner ecosystem.

Prior to joining 451 Research, Liam was editor-in-chief at the Web Host Industry Review, where he managed a full-time editorial staff of four, along with dozens of freelancers and other contributors. In several years as co-chair of HostingCon, he built the educational program for one of the industry’s most highly regarded and well-attended events. Liam has spoken at the Hosting and Cloud Transformation Summit, HostingCon, Parallels Summit, Open-Xchange Summit and other industry events. He holds a bachelor of journalism degree from Ryerson University in Toronto.