Gopi Saikishshan V

Regional Head at Inthree Access

Gopi Saikishshan V has been working in the field since 2011. Gopi started as an Assistant Director at MTS - Sistema Shyam Teleservices Ltd in 2011. In 2017, they moved to Reliance Communications Infrastructure Ltd. as DGM Sales and Distribution. In 2018, they became Regional Head at Inthree Access Services Pvt Ltd. Currently, Gopi Saikishshan V is the Founder CEO of Azeurr Aggregate Acess Serrvices Private Limited (Mitrakart).

Gopi Saikishshan V's education history includes a Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) from The Indian Institute Of Management and Industrial Engineering(India) between 1998 and 1999, a Master's Degree in Economics from Annamalai University between 1997 and 1999, an EPBM in Business Management from Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta between 2015 and 2016, and an EPDSMMS in Digital and Social Media Marketing Strategy from Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta in 2017. Additionally, Gopi Saikishshan V holds certifications from Dale Carnegie Training, MTS Learning Academy, DOOR Training and Consulting India, Stimulus Consulting (P) Ltd, and Catalyst, obtained in 2014, 2014, 2008, 2008, and 2007 respectively.



  • Regional Head

    September, 2018 - present