Loan Delivery Specialist

Product · Full-time · Costa Mesa, United States

Job description

This position performs clerical and administrative functions related to file delivery for investor fulfilment of purchased mortgage loans for servicing.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Prepare and image closed loan packages for delivery to investor and services
  • Perform all functions required on investor loan delivery system
  • Initiate MERS registration and transfer rights procedures for all closed loans
  • Reconcile MERS and internal systems data
  • Communicate and update applicable parties of loan delivery (such as: funder, secondary, and postclosing)
  • Maintain past loan records and ensure compliance with loan retention policies
  • Record and image Final Title Policies and Original Recorded Deed of Trusts
  • Deliver Final Title Policies and Original Recorded Deed of Trusts to applicable investors
  • Perform other related duties as assigned

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