Filadelfiya Yun

Head Of Strategic Planning And Analysis For Concentrates Processing at Kazakhmys Corporation

Filadelfiya Yun, CFA has extensive work experience in the finance and mining sectors. Filadelfiya began their career as an intern at RCG Investment Advisor in May 2012 and worked their way up to become an Associate, Analyst, and eventually an Associate at the firm. RCG Investment Advisor is a resource-focused private equity firm managing a mining private-equity fund.

In 2017, Filadelfiya joined Resources Capital Group as an Associate and later became an Investment Director. Filadelfiya then moved to Kazakhmys Corporation in 2018, where they held the position of Chief Expert Economist. Filadelfiya was responsible for strategic planning and analysis for concentrates processing and was later promoted to Head of Strategic Planning and Analysis for Concentrates Processing.

Filadelfiya's experience in the finance and mining sectors, along with their expertise in strategic planning and analysis, has made their a valuable asset to the companies they have worked for.

Filadelfiya Yun, CFA, completed their Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Accounting with a specialization in Finance from KIMEP University in 2013. In February 2022, they attained the Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA) Charterholder certification from the CFA Institute.
