KLS Martin Group


KLS Martin Group is a globally leading supplier of medical technology solutions for almost all surgical fields.





Org chart

Christian Leibinger
President and CEO

Christian Leibinger

Jeff Ashby
Vp Sales Marketing
Marc Ruoß
Head Of Clinical Affairs
Thomas Kött
Head Of Insilico
Heiner Wild
Head Of Research Individual Patient Solutions
Carmen Mattes
Head Of Staff Development & Recruiting
Markus Gerhart
Head Of Product Owner Team HF Surgery
Ingo vom Berg
Vice President Sales International
Mark Faude
Vice President Sales Europe
Hubert Grabowski
Head Of Client Management And Support
Christian H.
Head Of Production Assembly
Achim Riedle
Head Of Business Development IPS CMF
Nicolas Eschbach
Head Of Strategic Purchasing
Timo Keller
Head Of Platform And Standardization
Fabian Lohner
Senior Legal & Compliance Counsel
Shawn Burke
Director Of Product Development
Patrick Vonbank
General Manager Production