Kraus-Anderson Insurance


Kraus-Anderson Insurance, Uncommon Risk Expertise Kraus-Anderson Companies were founded more than 100 years ago with the guiding principal of making our client’s needs our first priority. Through the years, the landscape of the insurance industry has changed drastically. We have grown from being y... Read more





Org chart

Dennis Diessner
President and COO Kraus-Anderson Insurance

Dennis Diessner

Tom Reuder
Senior Vice President, Sales And Production
Deb Mueller
Head Of Client Claim Solutions
Jonathon Diessner
Chief Operating Officer
Mark Kampf
Senior Vice President, Kraus Anderson Insurance
Leah Haack
Client Manager
Morgan Ringhand
Client Manager
Amanda Stadtler Cpcu
Account Executive
Cisr Ashley Froelke
Account Executive
Brenda Lopez-Schaefer
Account Executive
Brian Cohoon
Client Executive
Ellen Armbruster
Account Executive
Heather Paulson
Account Executive
Jason McMurray
Staff Accountant
Johanna King
Account Executive
Laurie Kimman Cic
Account Executive
Sarah Kurvers
Account Executive
Sorel Johnson Cpcu
Client Manager Supervisor
Taylor Bohman Cpcu
Account Executive
Terri Carr
Senior Account Executive
Will W.
Account Executive
Kibben Young
Client Manager
Daisy Degnan
Human Resources Specialist
Susan Crotteau
Human Resources Specialist