The University of Kansas


University of Kansas in Lawrence, Kansas, is the largest university in the state and a primary source of postsecondary education. University of Kansas, Lawrence offers over 190 degree programs that span a wide range of subjects, research activities across a range of disciplines and numerous performi... Read more




Org chart

Douglas A. Girod

Barbara A. Bichelmeyer
Chief Academic Officer, Provost And Exec. Vice Chancellor Of The Main Campus
Jeff DeWitt
CFO, Executive Vice Chancellor for Finance
Matthias Salathe
Executive Vice Chancellor, Medical Center
Karla Leeper
Vice Chancellor for Strategic Communications & Public Affairs
Kimberly M. Grunewald
General Counsel & Vice Chancellor, Legal Affairs
Clifford Michaels
Executive Director, Center For Technology Commercialization
Mari Langas
Technology Team Lead
Les Bice
Information Technology Manager | Asset Management, Information Technology Fiscal Services,
Seth Pelzer
IT Technology Manager - Research
Kim Grunewald
General Counsel & Vice Chancellor For Legal Affairs