David Baker

Senior Director, Investment Strategy & Communications at Laird Norton Wealth Management

Is your investment portfolio something you’re comfortable with, through good and bad markets? At LNWM, they try to make sure the answer is “yes,” says David. Like a good architect, he works to design portfolios that are livable – geared to keep risk in check, provide enough income and make the most of your tax situation.

Working closely with LNWM’s Chief Investment Officer, David develops near-term (tactical) and long-term (strategic) plans for your portfolio. His work is thorough, data-driven and firmly grounded in the four Rs – Risk, Return, Research, and Review. While primarily a numbers guy, David enjoys writing about the strategies LNWM is implementing, as well as providing you with in-depth explanations of investments.

He is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and holds a B.A. in Business Administration from the University of Washington.