Lee & Associates

1 follower

Lee & Associates offers an array of real estate services tailored to meet the needs of the company’s clients, including commercial real estate brokerage, integrated services, and construction services.





Org chart

Jeff Rinkov

Ryan Corey
Chief Financial Officer, Phoenix, AZ
Nadia Wagner
COO, Atlanta, GA
Scott Crooks
CIO, Atlanta, GA
Andrea Johnson
COO, Seattle, WA
John Sharpe
President of Lee & Associates Illinois
Aleks Trifunovic
President, West LA
John Rickert
President, Cincinnati
Jessica Mauser
President, Pleasanton
Christopher Mack
President & Broker, Rosemont, IL
Don Kazanjian
President, Ontario, CA
Matthew Allen
EVP, Plymouth Meeting, PA
Scott Primrose
Partner, Vancouver, BC
John McIntyre
Partner, Vancouver, BC
Bob Saunders
Partner, Vancouver, BC
Wade Allen
Broker-In-Charge & President, Charleston, SC
Pamela Murphy
Director, Marketing & PR, Calabasas, CA
Lizzie Cook
Director, Operation, Charleston, SC
Mary Eckel
Director, Operations & Finance, Calabasas, CA
Delia Garcia
Administrative Assistant, Houston, TX
Mark Cascagnette
President of Lee & Associates Toronto
Brian Knowles
President of Lee & Associates Eastern Pennsylvania
Jason Lynch
President of Lee & Associates New Jersey
Todd Spencer
President of Lee & Associates Columbus
Justin Smith
Senior Vice President