Living Hope Baptist Church


Living Hope Baptist Church is a missional church filled with imperfect people who have found that doing life together under God's grace is the way to go. We seek to connect with God and care for people as a community of faith. We do this by helping people Get to God, Grow in Christ and Give to Other... Read more





Org chart

Jason Pettus
Senior Pastor

Jason Pettus

Matt Brisolara
Media Director
Don Lancette
Human Resources Manager
Bill Wade
Spepherding Pastor, Hope Center For Biblical Counseling
Clay Mullins
Pastor For Impact, Missions And Administration
Dennis Smith
Past Chariman Church Campus Expansion Building Committee
Hunter Sewell
College Pastor
Jason Baird
Executive Worship Leader
Jeremie Wade
Groups And Membership Pastor
Nicholas Carroll
Biblical Counselor
Sarah Wade
Biblical Counselor
Savannah Snyder
Biblical Counselor
Troy N Pam Young
Children's Pastor