Knut Edvard Helland

Director, Technical Sector at Lørenskog kommune

Knut Edvard Helland is the current Director of the Technical Sector at Lørenskog kommune. Knut has held this position since January of 2010. Prior to this, they served as the Kommunalsjef at Ringerike kommune from January 2010 to December 2014. In this role, they were a member of the rådmannen's ledergruppe and was responsible for overseeing units that dealt with drift, vedlikehold, and investeringer innen vei, vann, avløp, park og idrett, kommunale bygg og eiendommer. Knut also oversaw brann og redning, miljø- og arealforvaltning, and IT. From March 2013 onward, they also served as the rådmannen's fast stedfortreder. Before their time at Ringerike kommune, they were the eproduktutvikler / utviklingssjef / markedssjef at Kommuneforlaget AS from January 2002 to December 2006. In this role, they developed forretningsområder and løsninger that aimed to effektivisere and kvalitetssikre dialog between the kommunen and its citizens and businesses (for example, the internettjenesten nasjonal tjenestekatalog). Knut was also in charge of the market and development departments (videreutvikling av eksisterende og utvikling av nye produkter) and the marketing department (kundesenter og salgsapparat). Before their time at Kommuneforlaget AS, they served as the Driftssjef at Sentraldistribusjon AS from January 2000 to December 2002.

Knut Edvard Helland graduated from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) with a degree in civil engineering. Knut then went on to work in the field of machine engineering.

Knut Edvard Helland reports to Ragnhild Bergheim, Mayor. Knut Edvard Helland works with Dawn Voice - Director, Health & Care Sector, Na Stephansen - Head of Construction Case Section, and Anna Josefin Bang - Municipal Technical Manager.


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