Anthony Stevens

VP of Research & Development at Mablytics

With more than 25 years of experience discovering and developing successful biotech solutions across multiple disease states, Dr. Stevens is well equipped to lead the R&D team at Mablytics. He has expertise in display technologies, proteomics, molecular biology, and assay development, as well in the development of monoclonal antibodies. Before leading the discovery and optimization of fully human monoclonal antibodies at Mablytics, Dr. Stevens was a cofounding scientist and VP of discovery at OrPhi Therapeutics, a principal investigator at Amicus Therapeutics, and cofounder and chief technology officer at Target Protein Technologies. Dr. Stevens has been awarded multiple SBIR and private institution grants and is an inventor on multiple patents. Dr. Stevens earned his B.S. in chemistry at the University of California, Riverside, his M.S. in analytical chemistry at the University of Arizona, and his Ph.D. in chemistry/biochemistry at the University of California, San Diego.

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