Donna Matuizek

Senior Director, Quality & Regulatory at Magnolia Medical Technologies

With over 30 years diverse experience in the biotechnology industry, Donna is a consummate quality leader, who has brought several life-saving products to the market. She started her career bringing the first in vitro diagnostic blood test (a class III product) to market at the height of the AIDS crisis. This was followed with a successful tenure at Immunex (now Amgen) and the approval of Leukine (a GM-CSF growth factor), Dendreon, and the first licensed cell therapy product, Provenge.

Most recently, Donna served as the Vice President of Quality at Just Evotec Biologics, where she led a team through 15 successful audits and delivered 10 novel biologic products to the clinical trial evaluation.

In addition to her proven regulatory and quality track record in biotechnology and biologics, Donna has held various regulatory roles at medical device companies with Class IIa marketed products.

Donna joined Magnolia Medical in July 2022 and is excited to support the Company’s Mission to ZERO®.
