Maintech AS


MainTech AS provides material engineering, analysis, logistics, industry, lean, project management, and machine learning. They offer digital content, guidance, and physical courses, as well as operation and maintenance.

Org chart

Grethe Selboe
Head of Inspection & Materials Technology

Grethe Selboe

Ann-Charlott Strand
Principal Engineer
Bjørn Egil Stavseng
Principal Engineer
Bjørn Tore Moen
Principal Engineer Inspection & Materials Technology
Øystein Sævik
Principal Engineer
Eskil Greger
Overingeniør I Drift Og Vedlikehold
Jorunn Snøan Mæland
Senior Engineer Materials Technology and Inspection
Phillip Juven
Senior Engineer Materials Technology and Inspection
Stein Valen
Principal Engineer
Torbjørn Sæthre
Managing Director
Ole Engan
Technical Manager Inspection
Aleksandar Stevanovic
Senior Engineer