

The world’s first unbiased currency

Dai is a stable, decentralized currency that does not discriminate. Any business or individual can realize the advantages of digital money.





Org chart

Rune Christensen

Steven Becker
President & COO
Brian Avello
General Counsel
Adrian Le Bas
Head of Developer Experience
Chao Pan
Community Lead, China
Coulter Mulligan
Head of Marketing
David Utrobin
Core Community Lead
Doo Wan Nam
Business Development Associate, Asia Pacific
George Niculae
Tech Ops Lead
Greg Diprisco
Head of Business Development
Gustav Arentoft
Business Development Associate, Europe
Henry Doe
Head of Design
Jacek Czarnecki
Global Legal Counsel
Jeremy Hollister
Head of People Success
Jocelyn Chang
Community Lead, Southeast Asia
Kathleen Chu
Community Lead, Japan
Katie Ryan
Operations Manager
Lenka Hudakova
Events Manager
Maria Magenes
Community Lead, Europe & Africa
Mariano Di Pietrantonio
Community Lead, South America
Mike Porcaro
Head of Communications
Nadia Alvarez
Business Development Associate, South America
Nathan Jinwoo Kim
Community Lead, Korea
Niklas Kunkel
Head of Backend Services
Nikolaj Lollike
Head of Integrations
Soren Peter Nielsen
Head of Product
Torben Jorgensen
Head of Finance
Wouter Kampmann
Head of Engineering
Amy Jung
Head of Community Development