Ton Tiebosch

Director at Martini Ziekenhuis

Member of the Board of Directors since January 2016, with ao the portfolios Quality, Innovation, and care process management (Excellent Basic Care and Expertise Centres). Ton was a pathologist at the Martini Hospital from 2001 and until 2011 he was head of the RVE Pathology. From 2011 to 2015, he was Chairman of the Medical Staff.

Ton was educated in Maastricht, where he did both scientific research (promotion idiopathic glomerular disease ) and training as a pathologist. In 1995 he came to Groningen, the UMCG. From 2002 to 2011, he was chairman of the Pathological Anatomical National Automated Archive (Palga) foundation. Ton is a board member of the Safe Curative Care Association (VVCZ).


  • Director

    Current role