McCoy Russell


McCoy Russell LLP is an elite intellectual property law firm focused on the prosecution and development of patent and trademark portfolios. We take innovation seriously and have applied pioneering solutions and structures to maximize the potential of our highly-skilled staff to the benefit of our cl... Read more

Org chart

John D. Russell's profile picture
John D. Russell
Founding Partner
Profile photo

John D. Russell

B. Anna McCoy
Founding Partner
Alicia Cohn
Patent Technology Specialist
Doug Wells
Patent Attorney IP Business Counsel
Kailey Burrus' profile picture
Kailey Burrus
Supervisory Paralegal
Kathryn Chi's profile picture
Kathryn Chi
Patent Agent
Sarah Nelson
Supervisory Paralegal
Shannon Judge
Legal Assistant
Simon Lukas Könecke
Legal Specialist
Tess Brennan
Legal Specialist At Mccoy Russell LLP
Wes Nicholson
Associate (patent Attorney)
